Oslo - A Norwegian court on Friday ruled that mass-murdererAnders Behring Breivik was sane and sentenced him to 21 years in jailfor the killing of 77 people in bomb and shooting attacks last year.
The anti-Muslim gunman smiled briefly as presiding judge WencheElizabeth Arntsen read out the verdict in the packed Olso District Court. The five judges were unanimous in their verdict, overruling arequest by the prosecution to declare Breivik insane.
Under Norwegian law, the maximum prison sentence is 21 years. ButBreivik’s detention can be extended if he is deemed a danger to society.
The 33-year-old right-wing extremist had wanted a sane verdict. Hesaid he carried out the bombing attacks in Oslo and a shooting spreeat a Labour Party youth camp on the nearby island of Utoya to protectNorway from an influx of Muslim immigrants.
Breivik had pleaded not guilty to charges of terrorism andpremeditated murder. The question of his sanity had been central to the 10-week trial,during which survivors and family and friends of the victimstestified.
The massacre on July 22, 2011 shocked Norway’s largely liberalsociety and sparked a national debate about right-wing extremism,freedom of speech and immigration.
Court-appointed psychiatrists had reached different conclusionsover the state of his mental health.
During the 10-week trial, shocking details emerged on how Breivikshot dead 69 people at a Labour Party youth camp on the island ofUtoya after setting off a bomb in the government quarters in Oslothat killed eight.