Opponents say the move will have a drastic effect on smaller retailers
India's government has once again cleared a controversial plan to open up its lucrative retail sector to global supermarket chains.
Last year, the government suspended a similar plan after fierce opposition from its allies and political rivals. International firms such as Walmart and Tesco will now be able to buy up to a 51% stake in multi-brand retailers.
The government on Friday also approved a plan to allow foreign airlines to buy 49% stakes in local carriers.
Correspondents say that Friday's cabinet decision was taken against the background of India's worsening economic outlook.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is reported to have told cabinet colleagues that "the time for big bang reform has come, we have to go down fighting".
The government was forced to back down after the cabinet first undertook to open up India's retail sector last November.
The move had been strongly opposed by tens of thousands of small businesses and cornershops who fear they will be put out of business.
But this latest move has already been welcomed by economists and industry who say it will transform the way Indians shop and boost the country's flagging economy.
The opposition Bharatiya Janata Party and the Communists called it a "betrayal of democracy".
course: bbc news India